Announcing Batjo: Bits, Atoms and Journalism

Alice Corona
1 min readDec 13, 2017


What would journalism be like if it could be experienced physically, using multiple senses? What if you could add a material third dimension to journalistic stories?

Thanks to a generous funding from Google’s Digital News Initiative Innovation Fund, the project “Batjo: Bits, Atoms and Journalism” will kickstart its prototyping phase.

During the upcoming year, I will be working closely with Italian industrial designer and digital fabrication expert Chi ha ucciso il Conte?. We will investigate how data journalists can borrow tools and techniques from the maker movement and develop a toolkit to facilitate and automate the building of data driven physical news installations.

Are you a journalist, a newsroom or just curious to know more? Drop a line to alice-corona [at] or tweet me at alice_corona



Alice Corona

Stories with data, from the data collection (or scrape) to the data visualization. Data storytelling instructor, data journalist