Published inOCIO VeneziaCampo San Zan Degolà a Santa Croce (Venezia): un luogo dimenticato dalla calca… ma non dagli…Quest’articolo fa parte dell’inchiesta Venezia in affitto (breve), a cura dell’Osservatorio Civico OCIO. Dopo aver raccolto alcuni dati…Jan 16, 2020Jan 16, 2020
Referendum Venezia: quello che i dati dicono, non dicono, e suggerisconoOltre le dicotomie: alcuni spunti di riflessioni per comprendere la complessità dei dati sul referendumDec 4, 2019Dec 4, 2019
Referendum Venezia: piccolo vademecum per non farsi fregare da chi snocciola datiPer i non-veneziani: l’1 Dicembre 2019 qui a Venezia si vota nel referendum (consultivo) sula separazione di Venezia dall’attuale Comune….Nov 30, 20191Nov 30, 20191
Elezioni europee 2019 a Venezia. Un’ondata di destra? Non disperiamo!Un breve racconto, dati alla mano, per chi ha bisogno di sentirsi ancora speranzoso.May 28, 2019May 28, 2019
Published inBatjoGreat data physicalizations, and what journalists can learn from it — Part 2While working on Batjo, we surveyed dozens of examples of data physicalization. Here’s some that have potential applications for journosMar 7, 2019Mar 7, 2019
Published inBatjoGreat Data Physicalizations, and what journalists can learn from them — Part 1While working on Batjo, we surveyed dozens of examples of data physicalization. Here’s some that have potential applications for journosFeb 18, 2019Feb 18, 2019
Published inBatjoData Driven News InstallationsA digital fabrication cookbook for journalistsDec 17, 2018Dec 17, 2018
Published inBatjoJournalism & Dataviz: the Whos, Whats, Whys and Hows.A brief report looking at use of dataviz in 2017–2018 award-winning data journalismOct 15, 2018Oct 15, 2018
Published inBatjoA Manifesto for Physical Digital JournalismImaging a Physical Future for Digital JournalismOct 11, 2018Oct 11, 2018
Announcing Batjo: Bits, Atoms and JournalismWhat would journalism be like if it could be experienced physically, using multiple senses? What if you could add a material third…Dec 13, 2017Dec 13, 2017